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TOP 5 WINNERS | The Search is still ON..

The Title of this website is SA HIP HOP, So i requested SA hip hop artists to give me their Tracks to kick off this site, i received more than 120 tracks which i had to choose only 5 so you can see it was a tough job. I listened to each and every track which was sent so here are the tracks that made it ::


1. S-dee ft Rivernile & constellation - khokha umoya (DOWNLOAD HERE)


3. Prow-jekt - mr karshot (DOWNLOAD HERE)

4. Catalystbeats - Bathi ngiaDope (DOWNLOAD HERE)

5. Hands up (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Please Download each and every track because next week kuzobe kunguwe so if you don't download you would be making a serious mistake #PlayLocalOrDie

Saturday im taking links please do post your links: to post a link follow these steps post from one of these :

Twitter: @swaggerboi_sphe
Email :
facebook: sphelele innocent ngubane (INBOX DO NOT POST IN MY WALL)
*Or you can wait for me to post in the hip hop pages in facebook(Cleva ungagive up SA. siz n scoop, 031 hip hop link box, Impact crew and mp2-zn)

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